Advent Conspiracy: 2022 Advent Devotional

Posted on November 24, 2022

Greetings, members and friends of SBPC. 

This Advent we are making some amazing resources available to our members.   First, we want everyone to be able to concentrate weekly on the prayer offered as each Advent candle is lit.  So we will be sharing them.  

First Sunday of Advent

O God, we thank you that Jesus brought hope into our world.  By the good news of the Bible you are still bringing hope to people.  Help us to be ready to welcome Jesus Christ so that we may think good thoughts and do good deeds and that we may be a people of hope in our world. Amen.

Second Sunday of Advent

Eternal God, we thank you that throughout all the ages you have given peace to your people.  In this Advent season help us to have your peace in our lives, and to show your love to others, that they, too, might have your peace.  Amen.

Third Sunday of Advent

Let us pray.  O Lord, as Christmas draws near, there is a sense of excitement in the air.  We can feel a joy in our lives and see it in those around us.  Still, for many this is a sad time because of unhappy things that have happened in our lives.  Help us to have the joy that does not depend upon earthly happiness but upon you.  Help us to be filled with your joy so that we may share it with a joyless world.  Amen.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

O God, we thank you that Jesus showed your love for every person,  babies and children, old people and young, sick people and those who were strong, rich people and those who were poor.  Come to us in this Advent season, and give us love in our hearts for all persons.  Amen.

Christmas Eve

Let us pray.  We thank you, God, for the gift of Jesus Christ to the whole world.  We thank you that his coming makes hope, peace, love, and joy possible for every person in every nation.  Encourage us to do our part to bring goodwill and peace to our families, our church, our neighborhoods, and to our world.  Now may your Spirit put us in touch with the living Lord through the words, music, and sights of this night.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.  Amen.

Next, I want to call your attention to a new resource we will be trying this year.  It is called “Advent Conspiracy.”   I have personally found the material to be very meaningful and timely.  You will hear more about it in worship this coming Sunday, but for the time being, you can find a link to the daily devotionals here: Daily Advent Devotionals – Prepare Your Heart to Worship Fully.

Please join me in celebrating the wonderful news of Christ and preparing for Christ’s coming this year.

In Christ’s Service,

Kevin Boyd, Pastor

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