An Invitation from the Nominating Committee

Posted on February 27, 2018

The Nominating Committee invites members of the church to suggest names for consideration to serve as Ruling Elders and Academy Board members.

All suggestions must be submitted no later than March 10, 6 pm. Please suggest names for these leadership positions to Patti Nanney, the Nominating Committee Chair, or by placing them in a sealed envelope addressed to the Nominating Committee and left in the Church Office.

Each leadership position is for a three-year commitment that begins in June 2018, and all candidates must be active members of Spring Branch Presbyterian Church. The descriptions of the positions are:

Ruling Elder: Serves as a spiritual leader of the congregation; serves faithfully as a member of the Session, which meets once a month, plus serves on one of our church’s Ministry Teams; shall be a person of faith, dedication, good judgment, and ability to follow through on assignments; demonstrates the Christian gospel in the church and the world; and demonstrates evidence of grace, compassion, and willingness to serve as a Shepherd to assigned members of the congregation.

Academy Board Member:  Responsible to the Session, the Academy Board oversees the financial status, curriculum, policy, and overall operation and direction of The Academy with its director.  Board Members should be effective liaisons between The Academy and the Church.  A Board Member will faithfully attend monthly Board meetings.

Thank you.

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