Fourth Step of Preparedness Checklist

Posted on September 24, 2018

Preparedness Checklist 4 StepsDuring the month of September, the Missions Team would like to share some tips and resources from the City of Houston, the Harris County Homeland Security & Emergency Management, and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to assist you in being prepared for the next disaster.  Each week of September we will include information about the steps you should be taking in case of a disaster.

There are 4 steps you can take to better enable your family’s safety in case of an emergency.  The fourth is:

Know Your Neighbors

Your neighbors can be a great source of help immediately after a disaster.  Chances are in an emergency, survival depends on teamwork and helping each other out.

Get to know your neighbors, particularly those who live alone, are elderly, or have special needs.  By getting to know your neighbors ahead of time, your neighbors will know you exist and know to check up on you in the event of a disaster (and vice versa).  If you live in an apartment building, ask your landlord or neighbors about plans to keep one another informed and safe if there’s a fire, power outage, or gas leak.

What if you have a medical problem, fall and injure yourself, or some other event?  Have your top emergency contacts on hand (see the “Family Emergency Communication Plan” card from Step 1) to provide to your neighbors in case they need to refer to them in any emergency, along with a list of medications, special needs, and allergies you may have.  Do you want a neighbor to have a spare key to get into your house?


List your neighbors’ contact information here:



NAME                                          ADDRESS                                   PHONE NUMBER



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NAME                                          ADDRESS                                   PHONE NUMBER


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