Reflections after Easter

Posted on April 29, 2011

Kate Cross

“He has risen!”  “He has risen indeed!”  The wonder and Majesty of the Easter miracle.

Then comes the next day:

It was on the beach, at daybreak.  Peter was there with some of the disciples and Jesus was cooking breakfast.  Imagine that.  The Son of God raised from the dead.  They saw it, they know it, and there he is the King of Kings attending to their early morning stomach grumbles.

The disciples finish their breakfast, wipe their mouths on their sleeves, and Jesus gets back to the business of teaching.

He asks Peter three times “Simon, son of John, do you love me?”  And there he was, Simon Peter, the rock on which Jesus was to build his church, scrambling to prove to Jesus that he did, indeed love him.  You’ve got to imagine how humiliated he felt after denying Jesus three times he’s being asked to prove his love – perhaps to make up for the other three.

What does Peter answer?  “Yes, Master, you know I love you.”  Jesus replies… “feed my lambs,” “shepherd my sheep,” “feed my sheep,” “follow me.”  Peter didn’t miss the point.  I hope we don’t either.

My mom has a magnet on her fridge that reads “Love people, feed them good food.”  It isn’t the words that show our love for God and one another.  It is the deeds.

How have you felt someones love this week?

Inspiration from John 21 and Frederick Buechner.

Kate Cross muses on occasion and enjoys comments.

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