The Gift of Summer

Posted on May 26, 2011

Summer 2011

Dear Friends,

Beach sand sifting between my toes,
   “Archie and Veronica” comic books
       savored with a cinnamon toothpick,
         The night sky filled with more stars
               than can be counted,    
–these are the childhood memories that flood me every year
about this time when school is letting out and the pattern of
our daily lives changes even if no children are at home anymore.
The pace slows down whether by the heat or by the natural
rhythm of the seasons.   I love summer!   It reminds us of the
gifts of play, rest and wonder reveling in the creation of Almighty.
It is part of the grace of God to enjoy!  The further I get from childhood,
the more I need to be reminded of that first question and answer from
The Westminster Shorter Catechism:
              “What is the chief end of man?
               To glorify God and enjoy Him forever!”

What a loving God that we are blessed to enjoy playing, laughing,
dancing in the sprinkler of Life! What a freeing grace that is!  I believe
it is one of the gifts the Holy Spirit brings at Pentecost, the birthday
of the Church.  Let us rejoice!  Let us celebrate the Church season of Pentecost!
and let summer begin!
 In Christ,

Dr. Laurey H. Murphy

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