Why are pretzels a Lenten food?

Posted on March 10, 2012

Some people may not realize that the pretzel is a Lenten food. According to a variety of different sources, pretzels were viewed as Lenten treats for several reasons.

As we have stated previously, Lent is a period of reflection and prayer of what Jesus gave up for us so we could go to heaven. 

In the old Roman Empire, the faithful kept a very strict fast all through Lent: no milk, butter, cheese, eggs, cream or meat.  As far back as the fourth century, ancient Christians made small breads made from special dough consisting of only water, flour and salt during the Lenten season.  

Around 610, in the process of making the special bread, a monk decided to make a treat for the children who had learned to recite their prayers.  The monk rolled the dough and overlapped the ends forming the dough so that each “hand” (end) was touching the opposite “shoulder” in prayer, for in those days people crossed their arms over the breast while praying. 

Pretzels then began to be enjoyed by all people.  Often, pretzels were a common food distributed to the poor and hungry during Lent. They were cheap and easy to make and satisfied hunger.

Some believe the three holes in the pretzel are to represent the Trinity.

The simple shape of the pretzel, arms folded in prayer, reminds us to pray every day.

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